Employee/Group Administration general overview

What is Employee/Group Administration

Employee/Group Administration is used to create and modify security groups and to set up and manage the employees who use AIMsi.

Permission Groups

Tri-tech recommends that one of the first steps you take after installing AIMsi is to set up your permission groups. Permission groups determine which employees have access to the various functions within AIMsi. Your AIMsi software arrived with three default groups: Administrators, Sales People and Supervisors. These groups have full access to every function in AIMsi, so you will want to modify permissions as applicable. If any of these groups do not apply to your business model, feel free to revise or remove them as necessary. You can also choose to create new groups. Employees may be assigned to one or more groups and permission to the secured items within that group may be altered on an individual basis. If an employee does not have permission to access a certain function or feature in AIMsi, based on group (or individual) permissions, he or she will not see that item on the menus or windows.

Caution: Security functions may be set up in a number of different ways. When modifying groups and members, be certain that at least one person has full access to the Admin menu. For a listing of all the secured items in AIMsi, run the Employee Securable Items report found on the Miscellaneous tab of the Report Catalog.


Employees must be assigned to at least one permission group in order to access any of the features and functions within AIMsi. In the event that an employee must have alternate access to a secured item, you may grant that employee exception access. Any access level assigned as an exception for an employee overrides whatever the group access level is for that same secured item.